Why Use Aloe Vera for Your Skin & Hair
Aloe Vera is renowned for having benefits for your skin & hair. It is a succulent that is frequently added to skin ointments, cosmetics and other lotions. It is native to Africa and was said to be the “plant of immortality” by the Egyptians.
Aloe vera benefits for your skin are:
Helps treat skin conditions like burns, psoriasis and cold sores. It also helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles by helping the skin retain moisture
Aloe vera benefits for your hair are:
Cleaning hair (strips hair shafts of any extra oil and residue from hair products built up over time)
Aids hair strength (strengthens hair strands! Because It contains Vitamins A, C and E)
Increase hair growth (by cleansing your hair, it will make it less prone to breakage and falling out)